Construction Accident Victims Deserve Caring Advocates
- Nov 8, 2015
- By: Tom Schimmerling
Three New York men paid a heavy price last year when a construction site retaining wall collapsed on them. Two of the workers were seriously injured, while the elder of the three died as a result of these events. At the time of the accident, the workers were constructing an aqueduct designed to transport water in emergency situations. Unfortunately, one of the workers paid the ultimate price for what may prove to be lifesaving infrastructure in the future.
Studies Cite Injuries as Frequent Sight at Construction Sites
For construction and maintenance workers, serious construction site accidents can be an unfortunate hazard that accompanies their jobs. Annually, more than 3 million nonfatal injuries and illnesses are reported across all industries, with construction workers reporting 4.3 nonfatal injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time workers. Of all occupations, construction laborers report the seventh-highest rate of nonfatal injury and illness requiring days off from work.
Legal Protection
With so many injuries occurring in the construction industry, it’s no wonder that the American legal system has protections in place to guard the rights and improve the prospects of those injured on the job, and their family members. While some victims may be able to avail themselves of benefits under the workers’ comp system, many workers may still need to pursue personal injury actions. Indeed, injured individuals may be able to collect workers’ comp and pursue the compensation they deserve from others, such as equipment manufacturers, property owners, and subcontractors.
Get the Compensation You Deserve
At the outset, victims shouldn’t eliminate potential sources of compensation. This frequently requires:
- Delaying any discussions with insurance adjusters, at the risk of agreeing to less compensation than a victim needs or deserves.
- Identifying every party connected to the injury-causing event to determine precisely with whom liability may exist.
- Rejecting initial settlement or compensation offers until completing a thorough legal and factual analysis.
During the vulnerable period immediate following a construction accident, the advice and guidance of a capable personal injury lawyer is critical.
Anyone injured at a job site should speak to an experienced personal injury attorney who can help them determine all of the parties responsible for injuries, pain, and suffering.